
4-Month-Old with a Cold: Tips to Decongest a Sick Baby

My sweet 4-month-old has a cold. I can hardly believe she’s been with us for four months! Time is truly flying by. My now two-year-old didn’t get sick until at least after 6 months so treating this baby cold was all new to me. However, we made it through unscathed and if anyone has trouble battling a baby cold here are some tips (and words of peace) that worked for me.

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Nose Frida

My brother-in-law is a pediatric dentist so I went to their house first before running to the ER. Penny woke from a nap and seemed to be choking on mucous. I had left my snot sucker there when I had visited earlier and I trust what he has to say.

When I told him she had just woken up, but she acted like she couldn’t keep her eyes open he told me:

When you are sick you want to sleep; so does she.

This made a lot of sense but it still worried me.

He laid her flat and held the opposite nostril while he sucked her snot out. It was thick and difficult to get out.


My sister (a mom of four) already had the shower running. They had me sit in the steamy bathroom/ shower with her to help thin the mucous.

I was still unsettled so they had me breastfeed her. She was able to eat.

Since she can eat – she can breathe.

He explained, at the ER they would give her a breathing treatment of steam and saline, basically the same thing we would do. So I decided to stay.


We used baby-friendly saline drops to help break up the mucous further to allow us to continually suck the snot out and help her cough it up.

Upright for coughing

We held her upright when she coughed so her airway was open. Mucous would be able to expel more easily this way.


Sleeping with a humidifier is great for loosening mucous and aiding in decongestion.

Upright sleeping

I slept upright with her so she wouldn’t be able to choke on her mucous. Same with her, when we are sick a nasal drip makes us cough all night or we need to sit up to hack up phlegm.

It was a long night, but worth the peace of mind!

I continued this routine for a few days. I’d steam her before bed and the first thing in the morning. Honestly, when I’m sick it helps to take a hot shower at these times, as well.

When you are sick there are ups and downs

There were plenty of times I thought she was better, then she’d seem worse. My pediatrician assured me it was normal and there would be ups and downs, but as long as she could eat she’d be okay.

YouTube RSV sounds in baby

When your baby is sick, it is good to know the signs of RSV. I was advised, by the nurse on call, to listen to RSV on YouTube to understand when there is an issue.

So maybe I overreacted, but the sleepy little look in my otherwise smiley baby was disturbing. We are not doctors and I’d never advise someone NOT to go to the hospital, especially when it comes to your children.

However, start these rituals on the first sign of a snotty cold, it could save you a lot of fear and agony.

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