Not only for stay-at-home mommas, but for new moms as well, the adjustment can be shocking. Personally, I had to learn ways to stay motivated after quitting my career in the sky as a flight attendant while I figured out how to be a stay-at-home mom.
I went from barely home to home full-time and full-face make-up with heels to basic hygiene and a mom bun. With my new structureless life at home, I struggled. I had no reason to be presentable and my only alarm clock, though frequent, was an unscheduled need-your-attention-now baby.
It has taken me time to find my groove and quite possibly I had a little more adjusting to do than the average Joe-momma, but I have found what works for me as far as ways to stay motivated as a stay-at-home mom.
How to be a stay-at-home mom
To BE a stay-at-home mom, simply put, is to take care of your child.

Your main job as a stay-at-home momma is to mom; to help your little one grow and thrive, to nurture their brain, their development and budding emotions.
Since you are MOM it’s your choice how you want to do this.
Personally, I research and follow along with milestones. I encourage free play and watch what my baby is working on. When we play together I consider what I’ve observed and age-appropriate games/learning.
However fun and laughter are important as well. So I strive for this every day.
Other than this, the basics. Make sure he is fed, and clean then, of course, document as much as I can.
Other duties as a stay-at-home mom
You and your housemate, spouse, baby co-parent.. whatever your situation – are the only ones that decide what else goes into play. and naturally, this will take time to find out what it is. What you feel like you can do in a day and how much everyone else pitches in all accounted for.
My husband works from home. Yes, he financially carries our family but that doesn’t mean he can not help out with the home as well. Unfortunately for him, I can see how much “work” actually goes into his job – I’m half joking. He is a Dallas Real Estate Agent so when he is working he works very hard and diligently.
All I’m getting at here is to be a stay-at-home mom is going to be different for every household – and every stage of life.
Do not expect to miraculously take on all the workload of the home while singing along with the birds, if this is not what your life looked like before staying home.
Have a talk (probably multiple) with your household to decide what this new life change looks like.
Who cleans, cooks, bathes the kids, and does whose laundry? and if the rules must change – so be it. You don’t fully understand change and how a situation is handled until you are elbows deep in dishes with a screaming teething baby that just wants to be held.
Honestly, how to be a stay-at-home mom is all up to you! Everything else is up to YOU and your household. It all may be very easy for you. You may be so happy to not be at your former job, that doing the most at home gives you life. For the rest of us, we may need advice on how to stay motivated in our new role.
Ways to stay motivated as a stay-at-home momma
Get dressed
Girl, just get dressed. Floss your teeth, fix your hair and care! If you get out of loungewear and make yourself presentable, you are more likely to run an errand that needs running. If you take an effort for yourself, you will feel better. Plain and simple.
Sweat a little
Move your body. There are many ways and options to get your body and endorphins flowing. There is no greater way to stay motivated than to get endorphins pumping! Go for a walk, stretch, go to the gym or youtube a workout.
I love my walks. When I feel cooped up or stressed a [mental health] walk is the first place I want to turn; Until the Texas summer heat arrives then it is to the gym I go!

Many gyms have childcare. I joined Lifetime when my baby was very new just so I could get a break (from him and the Texas heat). At the time, I didn’t have a single person to watch him and they would watch him for 2 hours at a time. Joining a gym also got me out of the house and gave me the opportunity to talk to other adults.
If you don’t want to join a gym you can go for a walk or watch videos on youtube. There are many videos on mom exercises that incorporate your baby or child as well.
Make a mom friend
Being able to talk to someone that may understand how you are feeling or what you are going through is invaluable. Sometimes as mothers, we just want to be heard, made valid, or chit-chat while our kids play during a play date (I’m not here yet, but I can imagine the enjoyment).
To have a mom-friend that understands you and can relate is a great way to stay motivated. They got through it and are doing mom life and so will you!
Even if it is a random friend online or a friend you already have.
Personally, I had both. These women got me through some of my hardest times.
My best friend and I are very good at being venting pillows for each other. We get it off our chest then carry on. No judgment for each other’s lives. We often joke about what we are even venting about but she and I get each other and it works for us.
My lovely random online friend has no idea the depth of my struggles, but we talked about our babies. She knew nothing about my life and was basically a very safe escape from reality.
She was often online nap trapped at the same times as me. It allowed me to chat with someone and not feel alone while everyone else in my life was busy with life outside their homes.
Take a break from social media
People show the best of the best online. Even when someone talks about the bad they make it look glamorous. I do the same. My Instagram is my online photo album. I don’t want to scroll through and remember the bad times.
This isn’t always the best thing to look at while feeling depressed or unmotivated. It is easy to compare and there are women that are legit unrealistic super moms. Even if I tried, I wouldn’t be half as amazing as some of these mothers and that’s completely fine.
Crafting games and making 3 incredible meals a day plus snacks is not my mom power. When I find mine – I’ll yet yall know.

Give yourself a break
I know this is the total opposite of #1 – getting dressed – but sometimes you need a lounge day!
My husband often asks “Why must it get done now?” or “Why do you care so much?“. This is very funny to me because before I was a SAHM I cared much less than he. However, he is right. It all gets done. Give yourself a break.
If your household cares then they can help pick up the slack. Allow yourself a few hours or a whole day from time to time.
Make a plan
I hardly know what day it is most days. It’s embarrassing and gives me a feeling of negative self-worth. So I’ve made a weekly planner. Since making this weekly schedule it has also helped my husband and I to be on the same page.
And *shocker* I’ve actually accomplished much more than usual.

Find something you can do for yourself at any time of day
You need an outlet that is easy to partake in daily or as needed. Something easy you can do while the little one is playing nearby or napping.
Mine is blogging. It took time to find this hobby, but so far it has given me a feeling of independence. Outside of anything and anyone; it is especially for me.
It feeds my mind and gives me a purpose outside of being “just a mom”.
Count your blessings
I used this tactic before I had a baby. If I ever hit a rut I would take a moment to think about all the things I was grateful for.
Make a journal and write something new every night and read the journal every morning.
“It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful.”
David Steindl-Rast

Drink water
Drink water often and drink it throughout the day. When I get tired and I decide to drink a tall glass of water; it helps.
Yes, drinking coffee gets me motivated too, but drinking coffee on an empty stomach, in the long run, can cause digestive issues and stress. It dehydrates you and makes you cranky. I’m not saying kick the caffeine, just add more water!
Find joy with your little one
Lastly, why are we stay-at-home moms? To care for our children. We will never get this time again. Find joy each day with your baby. Even if it is 10 minutes of uninterrupted play. These are the moments your child remembers – not the mopped floor or if he was self-feeding before 1 year old.

I hope these tips will help get and keep you motivated. Know that you are not alone. Ruts will happen and self-motivation is something many new moms struggle with. Just remember you are in charge of how you are a stay-at-home mom. It can be difficult but there are ways to get motivated.
If you have tried any of these ideas or have some of your own please share them below!
Do you know your mom power?? Let us know below – while I figure out mine.
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