I know what it is like to feel stuck or depressed, but I also know how to get unstuck. As a new mom fresh from my c-section and birth experience that was less than desirable, I felt deficient. I struggled for quite a bit. Over time I was done feeling down and ready to get unstuck. I had to reroute my brain, but once I was able to do this, things started looking up for me. Once my happiness began to grow and my relationships flourished I could tell I had a plan that worked. Now I’m feeling compelled to share how I got myself from feeling stuck in a funk to thriving in life.
Follow my easy steps on how to get yourself unstuck to start feeling more like you!

1. Know that you make your own happiness
For starters, happiness is key. If you don’t take anything away from this post at least just be happy!
You don’t need the things you want to be happy. You need to be happy to get the things you want. Surround yourself with positive things. Don’t fake it till you make it. Be it till you are it. Stop reliving those bad things that happened to you. Wave off the bad thoughts and find bliss in every moment.
After all of the darkness and sadness
Destiny’s Child
Soon comes happiness
If I surround myself with positive things
I’ll gain prosperity
I know it is easier said than done, but it is important. I’ve been overwhelmed by past hurt and in negative spaces. You must get past it and focus only on the good.
2. Know what it is that you want
This used to be very difficult for me. I didn’t know what I wanted so I started by knowing what I didn’t want. Let’s say it has been a journey and that’s okay. I’ve moved, I’ve changed jobs, I’ve dated… lots. All the while finding out what I did not want I was fine-tuning into what I did want.
Some people, like my sister, have known all their lives what they want. Bravo to them! If this is you congrats. Now leave it alone! Know what it is and let it go – worrying only stresses you out AND THAT is not going to make you feel happy.
3. Forget about your problems
Don’t worry about the fact that you don’t have the things you want at the moment. To be unstuck you must first wiggle your mind out of the mud! Worrying brings anxiety, stress, and depression. Go back to number one – Be happy.
🎶Forget about your worries and your strife 🎶
4. Enjoy the things that make you happy – recount the moments and relish in them
Did I mention being happy? If you stumble into a blissful feeling just sit in it.
There are moments when my son brings me so much joy that I am just overwhelmed. I just soak it up! When my husband does a tiny gesture for me, and I notice, I let that feeling of love consume me. Yes, I get mushy and super annoying but I’m enjoying every bit of it!
This is what we live for, is it not? If/when you have these true moments of bliss EAT IT UP! This feeds your happiness and will GET YOU UNSTUCK! Then more of those good times will continue to roll in.

5. Meditate
Stay with me.. I know meditating sounds hippy-dippy. I am a little hippie-dippy, but this can be whatever it is you are comfortable with. It used to be yoga for me. For many, it is called “quiet time”. You can involve bible scripture, do a guided meditation, or prayer (I’d focus more on gratitude than pleading) if this is more your route.
Personally, I just try to empty my mind. Without stressing out and without judgment I just try to sit quietly without thought – and definitely without negative thoughts. If my mind diverts to a negative thought or something that doesn’t make me happy I shoo it away. If a thought catches my attention and I like it I may enjoy it for some time.
I set a timer for 10-15 minutes and allow myself to feel worthy enough to do absolutely nothing for this time. I try to detach from the world around me and just be.
If this seems too weird for you focus on feeling joy and happiness. Eventually, you can enjoy this time alone with yourself.
So there it is my people. My formula for getting out of the feeling stuck and sad phase. Focus on the good. I can guarantee you have enough positivity going on in your life to help you refocus your poor mood. You just have to find it and soak it up! Then relax and watch how your life unfolds in front of you in the most positive way.
Thanks for going on this journey with me. If you have any questions feel free to contact me and if you have a friend dealing with a hard time share this post. I can guarantee, with a little practice, they too can benefit!

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