I’m a firm believer in to-do lists. If you write it down it will happen. At least that’s how it works for me. I believe this to be the same for goals. If you write it down you are more willing to make it happen. So I’m going to write down and make public my New Years’ Resolution for 2023
Recently I polled on my Instagram, Who actually makes New Year’s resolutions? It was split about 50/50. Possibly because New Year’s resolutions typically are not fun. Why waste your time hanging rules over your head only to be faced with disappointment or failure?

I’m a “spirited” person that enjoys participating in all the traditions and themes. Therefore I can not give up on New Year’s! However I completely understand this negative perception that’s why I wrote this post about New Year’s resolutions ideas. These achievable resolutions are to help inspire others to join in with bringing in the New Year!
Today I will be eating black-eyed peas, cabbage, and all the green things while pondering my resolutions for 2023. So without further ado…
My New Year’s resolution for 2023 is…
To be slower to anger and full throttle be the best mom and wife I can be is my goal for the New Year. This past year becoming a mom has been a challenge. If you know my birth story you may understand my upset of becoming a first-time mom (one day I’m certain I will share it here). I’m obsessed with my little boy and love him to my core. Regardless of how – he and I are here today healthy and happy!

But the struggle, heartbreak, and stresses of getting to where I am today put a toll on my self-esteem, life changes, and many of my relationships. I’m closing out 2022 with the acceptance of quitting my job and the new discovery of creative and intellectual outlets.
How I plan to keep my New Year’s resolution for 2023
With acceptance, a fresh New Year and black-eyed peas on my side I am ready to be a better version of myself. Tools I’ll be using to do this include:
- Lists! Like I said, making to-do lists is the jam to getting anything accomplished.
- Counting to 10. I used to be much more zen and I have a lot of work to get back to this place. This year, before I respond I’ll be taking a full deep breath and a long exhale.
- Scheduling my days and planning ahead. Currently, I have no reason to know what day it is, but if I can plan days for certain chores or activities my self-worth will surely ascend.
- Understanding that getting things accomplished is not the answer to feelings of success and well-being. Which leads me to the next tool.
- Committing undivided attention to my son daily is important; even if my kitchen is a mess.
My New Year’s resolution for 2023 isn’t overly fun or exciting, but it is honest and where I currently am in life. Most importantly is is achievable. It isn’t strict however it will better my life, but I can also enjoy implementing it.
I hope to have inspired you to set a resolution this year. Regardless Happy New Year! May all your wishes and goals be grand and attained by the end of 2023.
If you do set resolutions, what is your New Year’s resolution for 2023? Comment below!
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