Surprise! We sold our home.

Having the house show ready with two kids two and under is a whole job.
We spent many weekends visiting with my family and keeping busy out of the house. Now that it is sold, we are continuing to be on the move until our next house is ready.
We’ve spent a week in Broken Bow, OK enjoying outdoor time. Now we are at a relative’s lake house in East Texas. We are enjoying our time, but are ready to be in our new home.
Still, it is bittersweet.
Here I spent Covid’s crazy quarantine, got married in the backyard, and brought two babies home to this house. I’ve hosted dinners, parties, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas and kissed my husband many times at New Year’s in our home on Bonita in Dallas.

I’ve housed friends and family from out of town and even a few stray cats.
I’ve walked my neighborhood streets, admiring gardens and talking with neighbors.
I’ve often done the 2-mile round trip to Glencoe Park to watch Lenox tromp the playground.
I’ve walked for coffee, bagels, donuts, and breakfast tacos.
We’ve planted vegetables, herbs, a rose garden, and a beautiful hibiscus for my wedding.
We even won yard of the month.

This house was never going to be our forever home, but I didn’t know how much I’d love it and how many beautiful memories we’d share.
Though it’s been a hard transition with our small children. Keeping our home clean, homeless in-between, and saying goodbye to the home that houses so many memories I am grateful and looking forward to all the future memories we will make in our new home.
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