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Favorite Easter Traditions and Memories

easter tradition baskets filled with colorful plastic eggs

I’ll never forget the thrill of chasing my siblings after they figured out the next clue from the Easter Bunny. As the youngest of three, I did what I could to keep up. The Easter Bunny had hidden eggs for us to find on Easter morning, but with clues in each one leading us to a very special treasure at the end: A bunny!

Not only do I remember taking care of this new pet but we, too, have many stories revolving around Peter. Still, the fondest memory of all was when we all entered my dad’s home office to find a whole cage with a bunny right in the middle!

a bunny in a cage with flowers depicting the authors memory of getting a bunny for easter

As my son is getting older I am looking for special moments like these to stick out in his mind forever. I want his childhood to be filled with magical memories and for my family to look forward to our special family traditions.

Our Current Easter Traditions

My favorite family tradition as an adult is going to my aunts. She hosts an epic family gathering the Saturday before Easter every year. We’ve been doing this since we were young with photo proof! My aunt decorates her home with all the photos she has taken over the years. With growing families, you can imagine that this is a lot of photos!

Recently, she has either picked a food theme or a contest for the pot-luckers to participate in. Some of the competitions have included, deviled eggs, salsa and this year: barbecued meat.

new easter tradition barbecue

Wish us luck!

Our egg hunt tradition

After we eat, her entire backyard, which is the sweetest garden-filled backyard with plenty of fun stations for children, becomes the epic easter egg hunt playing field. The littles get to go first and then it’s a free for all.

easter traditions baskets full of brightly colored easter eggs

There is always a lucky money egg – that I boastfully remember finding one year as a kid – and many confetti eggs that no one is safe from!

Did I mention that I have at least seven cousins and siblings that come every year and each of them has 1-5 children of their own.. YES! It is a big event.

It is full of laughter, love, good food and memories. I so look forward to introducing my baby boy to my entire family and continuing to build these memories with him.

What are your favorite Easter traditions?

I’d love to hear what your favorite Easter traditions are. Comment below what you remember as a child and what you currently do with your family.

2 responses to “Favorite Easter Traditions and Memories”

  1. ✿ Lovely Panda Mom ✿ Avatar

    Aww Those are such sweet family photos!! I loved reading about your traditions 😊 I didn’t grow up with any, and that’s why I want to make sure we have meaningful traditions for my little one ❤️ Great post!

    1. Ali Christine Avatar

      Yes! It makes for great memories and fun things for your kids to look forward to each year! Have fun making your own traditions for your family. 🤗

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