
Best Nostalgic Children’s Books

I love reading to my kiddo and he now brings me books all day to read to him. I’m discovering new stories that I am enjoying with him, but my love for nostalgic books runs deep. I’m slowly remembering nostalgic children’s books from my childhood and can not wait to share them with my son.

Rediscovering the love for my favorite childhood stories is so thrilling I had to reach out to my social media to find out what stories impacted my followers as well. I’ve broken up these best nostalgic children’s books into a few different categories. Enjoy!

Most Popular Favorites

How can you not love this book? As a child one of the most important lessons to learn is self-acceptance. This story covers this in a beautiful way. How often do we call our kids wild – or were called wild? In this story, the “wild child” Max explores his great and wild imagination. When he decides to return home he is still greeted and loved by his mother.

I can not put my finger on why this story is so fun as a kid, but I love it now as much as I did back then. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is a classic and fun way to learn the alphabet and rhythms.

Cute and cuddly little Corduroy just wants to be loved and when he gets an owner you couldn’t be happier for him. It’s heartwarming to see Corduroy be loved through his “imperfection”.

Who hasn’t been able to relate to this book and what kid doesn’t think they’ve just had the worst day ever?

Eric Carle

Obviously, Brown Bear, Brown Bear and The Very Hungry Caterpillar are top favorites but if you dig into more of his titles you may be brought back to your childhood. Don’t you remember more titles like:

Shel Silverstein

Obviously, we all love The Giving Tree!?, but also Shel Silverstein has many hits. These classics will take you right back to the moment you were reading them:

Unique Favorite Nostalgic Children’s Books

Every story has two sides. In this story, we get the chance to hear the big bad wolf’s side of the story. Whether you believe him or not — that’s up to you.

I adored this series. My third-grade teacher had the whole set and I read through them during free time.

I haven’t actually read these or remember these from my childhood but were suggested to me when I asked others about their favorite nostalgic children’s books. Perhaps they are nostalgic for you.

My personal favorite nostalgic children’s books

Possibly due to being a Texas gal, this was a popular book growing up. I grew up in the country. My driveway was a long white rock road that winded through a pasture and trees. Every day when coming home from school I’d stare out the window of my dad’s truck and admire the Indian paintbrushes.

The legend of the Indian Paintbrushes is told in this story and with it is the story that not everyone’s paths are the same. We each have our own talents and uniqueness and for that the Indian Paintbrush made the top of my list.

My older sister came home one day from school and told me all about this story. She ended up memorizing Tiktiktimbos entire name and teaching me. Imagine how cool I felt when I ended up with the same teacher years later and was able to recite the name when she was reading the story to our class for the first time. …so cool.

This is a book series, but I’m only now discovering this. I only read this book as a kid. It’s silly. Henry’s tiny mistake keeps getting bigger and as a kid, you can’t wait to turn the page and see what happens next!

A silly story about Grandma Tiddley continuously being sold animals by a door-to-door pet salesman. She is happy to take another animal as long as it isn’t an elephant, but of course, is eventually offered an elephant — and the story takes a wacky turn.

Stand Back Said the Elephant I’m Going to Sneeze

Another goofy story that I loved as a kid.

10 in the Bed

My grandmother and I read this book many times at bedtime. I still recite it to this day.

A Color of His Own

A slightly underrated author, Leo Leonni, also wrote Fredrick and many others you may remember including A Color of His Own. Another book about a chameleon, a desire to know yourself, and a sense of belonging; this book has many great messages for kids.

If you have any nostalgic children’s books to add of your own feel free to add them in the comments below!

If you are looking for books for a younger audience check out: 10 Best Books for Babies Approved by an 8-Month-Old

2 responses to “Best Nostalgic Children’s Books”

  1. Jackie Ragland Avatar
    Jackie Ragland

    What a wonderful selection of books for kids. Most of your selections , I read to my students in first grade. Reading to your child is to best way to get him/her excited about reading for his/herself. Keep On Reading!

    1. Ali Christine Avatar

      Yes, I imagine you sparked a love for many of these books!!

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